Wright Label. is a brand of feminine ready-to-wear, born in the head of
a Belgian family active in textile manufacturing for three generations.​
Released from the diktat of ephemeral trends, the Wright. design studio creates a
dressing room that combines quality materials, feminine and comfortable cuts,
subtle chromatic palette and non-ostentatious style.

Every item is thoughtfully created in our in-house atelier by wrights and makers
who blend time-honoured craft skills with a contemporary design aesthetic.
The pieces of each collection create a complete dressing room designed to fill the vacuum that remains on the textile market between luxury labels and ready-to-wear.
We consider the adjective “accessible” in its noblest conception.
All the pieces of the label have been conceived in a “dress up / dress down” approach that gives each look a dimension both dressed and totally relaxed. Voluntarily anti-cool and anti-bling, Wright. pieces are carved in an idea of elegance and utter comfort.